Our Products

We are in constant pursuit to add more innovative products to our product line.

If you have a new and innovative product that you would like to be made available to the public but need the assistance of a distributior in doing so; then you have come to the right place. 7-13 Distribution can make that happen for you; simply Contact us and we will be glad to help you achieve your sales goals!


Y-Ply - On the sand, the pebbles, or even on lawns; for reading, sunbathing, for a nap or on pick nick, Y-ply offers you new comfort outdoors at every opportunity. Its multiple uses (back, headrest, pillow...) allow you to sit or lie comfortably in various positions.

USB Keys

USB Keys - With the ability to store up to 16GB of your most precious digital possessions, the USB Mini Drive makes data very portable. Add more text here to extend paragraph

USB Pens

USB Pens - The USB Pen Drive provides everything you need for your mobile lifestyle. Drag your digital files from any computer to a USB Flash Pen Drive and hit the road.